Sunday, June 21, 2015

Providence or Coincidence?

My teens had heard the story of Yorktown before, but a few days ago they saw it with their own eyes and were amazed. 

We were driving south on the Colonial Parkway and could see the Coleman Bridge ahead on the left connecting Yorktown (on the right) and Gloucester Point. 

“Cornwallis was waiting for the British navy to rescue him, but the French were waiting.  The Battle of the Capes was the only battle the British navy lost in over 350 years (1588-1941).”

“Wow, so then what?” my daughter asked while scanning for restaurants.

“Cornwallis decided to cross the river right about where the bridge is now.”

“That shouldn’t have been hard,” my son said as he gazed across the York River.

“Looks like it,” I agreed, “but a sudden gale turned back most of the boats, so Corwallis was stuck.  And, of course, he later surrendered.  If he had not surrendered, the war would have continued on, and the Colonies were in poor shape to continue fighting.”

We turned left onto the bridge and my children just stared down at the river as we crossed over to Gloucester Point.

“Washington thanked Providence, but I guess it could have been coincidence,” I remarked. 

After a moment of silence, I added, “Of course, I could tell you the stories of Long Island and Boston and—“

“—Dad,” they interrupted, “Can we just get something to eat?”  We all laughed because, after all, we've got to keep living.